Education overview

Education Team
Stephanie Schlueter - farmer, dog lover, master educator
Richard Leslie - long distance runner, lord of vertigo, Buchanan Prize Winner
Elise Brigden - stablehand, hyperbaric trained diver, engineer
Thomas Brough - tree farmer, mistreater of mannequins, ultrasound aficionado

Education Team Aim
To deliver a comprehensive registrar-focused 12 month education program informed by the ACEM emergency specialist curriculum.

Education Team Objectives
1. Weekly education sessions
2. Paediatric component 25% 
3. Simulation component in 25% of sessions
4. Structured ultrasound training 
5. Core procedural skills training

Education and Training Program

Teaching happens every Wednesday from 0830hr - 1300hr, excluding public holidays. The usual venue is the large upstairs teaching room. When you join the ED, please ask to be added to the WhatsApp communication group in order to be updated on last minute venue changes.

Primary Exam Candidates

We offer various options to support PEx candidates in their preparations. These include:
- linking trainees in with metropolitan services who run dedicated a dedicated PEx training program
- individualised coaching and mentorship, past paper practice exams and marking
- provision of study plans to undertake PEx preparation
- enabling trainees in develop alternative preparation strategies customised to their needs
In order to maximise trainee support, PEx candidates are expected to notify their DEMT within 2 weeks of the clinical term should they intent to begin exam preparation. We have a large suite of anatomy models to support written and viva preparation.

Fellowship Exam Candidates

We offer various options to support FEx candidates in their preparations. These include:
- linking trainees in with metropolitan services who run dedicated a dedicated FEx training program
- individualised coaching and mentorship, past paper practice exams and marking
- enabling trainees in develop alternative preparation strategies customised to their needs
In order to maximise trainee support, FEx candidates are expected to notify their DEMT within 2 weeks of the clinical term should they intent to begin exam preparation.

Workplace Based Assessments

We are supportive of trainees opportunistically undertaking WBAs on shift. We do not formally roster WBAs, and expect that CBDs are organised by the trainee. There is every opportunity to get your WBAs signed off in Albany; trainees are responsible for ensuring this occurs.

TS4 Trainees

There are many opportunities for TS4 trainees to contribute to the department whilst fulfilling their TS4 training obligations. The department is eager to engage TS4 trainees in valuable opportunities to become well-rounded future consultants. TS4 trainees are expected to meet with their DEMT within 2 weeks of a clinical term to plan how they will fulfil their TS4 obligations.