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Albany Crit Care Teaching 25 September 2024 - The Hard Stuff

The hard stuff - sexual assault, NAI

Facilitator - Steph

0830- 0930 Case discussions


0935- 1035 Sexual Assault in the ED - The EEK - Mrs Bethany Albonico

Please bring your pre-prepared questions to this session!!!

1035- 1100 Domestic Violence- Essentials we need to know and do (Volunteer please)

1100- 1130 Blunt neck injury including non-fatal strangulation (Volunteer please)

1130-1200 Forensic Emergencies- “Need to Know stuff” (Volunteer please)

        • Injury description

        • Evidence collection

1200 LUNCH

1215- 1300 NAI- a Paeds and ED perspective (Paeds Team +/- ED Team)

For auditing purposes - 25% paediatrics