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Albany Crit Care Teaching 10 July 2024 - Scientific Medicine And Research Translation - Emergency


Facilitator - Self-guided


Overdiagnosis: when good intentions meet vested interests (Iona Heath)

  • Reflection:

    • If definitions of disease are broadened to incorporate people previously deemed healthy, what will be the impact on pharmaceutical efficacy for treating the disease?

The inverted U curve and emergency medicine: Overdiagnosis and the law of unintended consequences (Daniel Fatovitch)

  • Reflection

    • Why is it unwise to make diagnoses in the absence of symptoms?

Overdiagnosis: How Our Compulsion for Diagnosis May Be Harming Children (Coon et al)

  • Reflection:

    • When did you last admit a child to hospital that didn’t need admission? What the factors surrounding the presentation that led to admission?


South Australian Coroner - Splenic artery aneurysm inquest findings

  • Reflection:

    • How would you establish this time-critical diagnosis on a night shift?

Managing Acute Headache in Pregnant and Postpartum Women (Greige, Edlow)

  • Reflection

    • What are you clinical test thresholds for further working up the pregnant patient with headache?

For auditing purposes - 20% paediatrics