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Albany Crit Care Teaching 14 August 2024 - Older Wiser Stronger (not like Joe Biden)

Older Wiser Stronger

Facilitator - Steph

0830- 0930: Interesting cases, great saves, and what we have learned last week

0930: COFFEE

0935-1000: Geriatric EM - “Why to have some passion” - Steph

1000- 1030: “The Weak and the Dizzy- Pearls and Pitfalls” - Volunteer please

1030- 1100: “Mechanical fall? What’s the big deal?!” - Volunteer please

1100- 1130: “Managing agitation and pain in the elderly- or how to make ‘em better”. - Volunteer please

1130- 1200: Lunch

1200- 1230: Safe to discharge? (Home Safe Team)

Guests: Home Safe Team

For auditing purposes - 0% paediatrics