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Albany Crit Care Teaching 06 March 2024 - Child's Play

Child’s play

Facilitator - Tom

830 - CBDs | ECGs | radiology

0930 - Collapsed neonate and clinical scenarios

1015 - Coffee

1030 - UVC instruction and practice

1115 - Bronchiolitis refresher

1145 - Neo resus refresher

1200 - Simulation + paper chase

Paper Chase:

High-Flow Nasal Oxygen vs Standard Oxygen Therapy on Length of Hospital Stay in Hospitalized Children With Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure (PARIS2)

What is the colour of bilious vomit in a newborn?

Effects of oximetry on hospitalisation in bronchiolitis

HFNC in bronchiolitis

Bronchiolitis of Infancy Discharge Study

For auditing purposes - 100% paediatrics