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Albany Crit Care Teaching 28 February 2024 - Rural trauma Care

FOundations of rural trauma care

Facilitator - Steph

0830-0930 Interesting cases, great saves, and what we have learned last week.

Case/ECG/Image/VBG of the week

0930- 1000 Doing the basics well (Steph)

Rural Major Trauma Care… in Albany

1000-1015 COFFEE

1015- 1045 If air goes in & out, blood keeps going round and round…usually (VOLUNTEER PLEASE)

>>> The Airway in Trauma

  • When & why to take it?

  • Who to take it?

  • How to take it?

  • Challenges?

  • Optimisation?

  • Cases

1045-1115 I feel the need for speed… (VOLUNTEER PLEASE)

>>> Chest Trauma-Pearls & Pitfalls

  • B- assessment

  • B- killers

  • B- management

  • Speed holes & tubes.

  • Myth busting

1115- 1145 All bleeding stops…. eventually (VOLUNTEER PLEASE)

>>> Massive Haemorrhage & Shock in trauma

  • <C> and C

  • Find the bleeding-Stop the bleeding.

  • MHP- how to use it

  • CAT, Pelvic binder & CT6- practical***

1145- 1215 LUNCH

1215 Celebration of Knowledge aka Simulation


Pre-reading/ Pre-watching/ Pre-Listening

  • One stop shop--Podcast series on all things trauma.

  • Made in Australia

Airway- oldies but goodies

Preoxygenation and Prevention of Desaturation During Emergency Airway Management

Weingart SD, Levitan RM

The importance of first pass success when performing orotracheal intubation in the ED

Sakles et al.

Airway Management after major trauma, Canshaw J. et al.

Breathing- old and new(er)

Pleural Decompression- Fitzgerald et al.


A review of transfusion- and trauma-induced hypocalcemia: Is it time to change the lethal triad to the lethal diamond? Siegler J. et al

For auditing purposes - 15% paediatrics