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Albany Emergency Department Teaching 22nd April 2020

Safe Anaesthesia

0900hr - Case-based discussions

0945hr - Applied Medical Science

Autonomic nervous system: key concepts for drug-wielding clinicians with Dr Stephanie English (15 mins)

1000hr - Rapid review: anaesthetic drugs

Anaphylaxis rates from rocuronium or suxmethonium: the devil in the detail with Dr Aileen Foale (15 mins)
Reference articles: NAP6 | NZ hospital study

Kingmaking between friends: morphine (Dr Emily Earnshaw) vs fentanyl (Dr James Dent) to claim the throne of ultimate emergency opioid (3 minutes delivery each, 2 minutes rebuttal each)

1030hr - Morning tea

1045hr - Core Emergency Medicine

Giving a safe anaesthetic with Dr Thomas Brough (60 min)

1145hr - Journal Club

Naproxen +/- diazepam for acute low back pain with Dr Jolmer Smit (15mins)

Pregabalin for Acute and Chronic Sciatica with Dr Emily Higham (15mins)

Naproxen +/- placebo OR oxycodone OR cyclobenzaprine for acute low back pain with Dr Joe Ipsen (15mins)

Journal club support instruments:

Critical appraisal checklist for therapy RCT example one

Critical appraisal checklist for therapy RCT example two