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Albany Emergency Department Teaching 15th April 2020


Facilitated by Thomas Brough

0900 - Case-based discussions

0930 - Respiratory physiology tour de force with Dr Steph English:

- shunt physiology
-the alveolar gas equation
- the PF ratio (and what it means)

1000 - Mini journal club (10 minutes per paper)

- PT vs CRP for diagnosing community acquired pneumonia - Dr Jolmer Smit
- CRP-guided antibiotic prescribing in exacerbations of COPD - Dr Emily Earnshaw
- the FLORALI trial: HFNC for respiratory distress - Dr Elise Brigden

1030 - Morning tea

1045 - Undoubtedly necessary for catch up time as we talk a lot

1100 - Emergency management of severe pneumonia - dotting the “I”s and crossing the “T”s

1200 - Missed opportunities: optimisation of COPD exacerbations


EMD and Fellowship Exam Candidates - mini SAQ exam HERE | props HERE - 1 hour permitted