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Albany Crit Care Teaching 17 April 2024 - Diary of Dreams

Diary of dreams

Facilitator - Tom

Location - AHC

0830 - Case based discussions | ECGs | radiology

0930 - How to give a safe anaesthetic

1030 - Registrar talks

  • Killing off ketorolac

  • IV lignocaine

  • Is there anything fentanyl can do, that morphine can’t do better?

  • Tramadol is evil (and tapentadol is its evil cousin)

  • GABA drugs for pain don’t work / pregabalin is evil

1200 - Simulation: Sending off to sleep…

  • the exploding head

  • the broken body

  • the faint heart

Supporting papers

Killing off ketorolac

IV Lignocaine for sepsis RSI

IV Lignocaine for pain

IV Lignocaine for larygnospasm prevention

Pregabalin for sciatica

Gabapentin for rib fractures


Tramadol vignette

Tapentadol worse than ibuprofen, about the same as placebo in dodgy drug company study with a dozen end-points