trauma favourites
Facilitator - Steph
Location - AHC
0830 -0900 Case discussions
“The most challenging/ scary/rewarding trauma case of your career….so far”
0900- 0930 Rural Trauma- What’s the big deal?
James Colalilo
1000- 1015 Coffee & Quiz
1015- 1115 Trauma in Special Populations- Workshop- Plenary
1115- 1215 Burns – The Essentials- Pearls and Pitfalls
Tara Brown
1215– 1300 Trauma- Essential Skills
These are skills stations, and the equipment will be available for you to use to teach the group. Please let us know beforehand if you require anything else to deliver your session.
IO- Amelia Murray
Pelvic binder- Kathryn Lally
CT6 Traction splint- Callum Brewerton
CAT’s- Garth Wilkinson
1230-1300 Lunch
Supporting papers