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Albany Crit Care Teaching 03 April 2024 - Dangerous or dead

Dangerous or dead

Facilitator - Tom

0830 - Cases

0920 - Faster: brady/tachyarrhythmias

0940 - Transcutaneous pacing

1000 - Stronger: tailoring intervention to phenotypes of systolic failure

1030 - Morning tea

1045 - Dangerous or Dead

1145 - Echo practice

1215 - Harder: making sense of diastolic dysfunction

1230 - Better: valvular heart disease

1245 - Better: RV failure

1300  - Get lucky

Paper chase: Review article: Accuracy of emergency physician performed point-of-care ultrasound of the thoracic aorta: A systematic review and narrative synthesis of the literature

For auditing purposes - 10% paediatrics