0900: Case based discussions
1000: The Physician Scientist
Antacids and gastrointestinal hormones with Dr Stephanie English (15min)
1015: Statistical Sherlocking
Pre-reading for all reviewers
Tall tales, furphies and porky pies - defining statistical spin with Dr Elise Brigden (15min)
1030: Morning tea
1045: TaleSpin
Tale One - the Hasselgren Study with Dr James Dent (10 min)
Tale Two - the Lau Study with Dr Tami Alhaddad (10 min)
Tale Three - the Daneshmend Study with Dr Richie Graham (10 min)
Tale Four - Black swans and falsifiability with Dr Thomas Brough (15min)
1130: Core Emergency Medicine
Transfusion strategies for upper GI bleeding and other therapies
1200: Morbidity | Mortality | Awesome | Amazing