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Albany Emergency Department Teaching 17th June 2020


0900 - Case based discussions / ECGs / Radiology

1000 - Medical expertise

SAH: Pathology - Dr Emily Earnshaw (10min)
SAH: Circle of Willis anatomy - Dr James Dent (10min)
SAH: Anatomy of a lumbar puncture - Dr Stephanie English (10min)
SAH: building your management shopping list - Dr Thomas Brough (20 min)

1100 - Mini-journal club

Ottawa SAH decision instrument (10min)
Lumbar puncture OR CT angiogram (10min) - Jolmer Smit
How many red cells matter? (10min) - Richie Graham
Classical literature: Nimodipine for SAH (10min)

1200 - Exam Preparation

Fellowship: SAQ 1 hour exam (questions 1-9 only)
Primary: UNIT 2 study guide

1300 - Fellowship Practice Exam Feedback

We will go through your answers together for contemporaneous feedback