Remote learning - Emergency Radiology
Facilitator: Tom
With the support of the EMET program, we have an all-access pass to the excellent teaching material available at Radiopedia. For teaching this week the learning will be didactic in nature, utilising some of the excellent Radiopedia content.
NB If you are rostered to work on the floor in the morning, there is an expectation you attend the department, and should workflow demands permit you can leave the floor and cover the material just as if there was a normal teaching session happening.
Radiopedia Details
user: bruffinator
password: albanycritcare
0830 - 0930: Brain emergencies (not bleeds)
0930 - 1030: Brain emergencies (bleeds)
1100 - 1200: Cervical spine trauma
1200 - 1300: Paper Chase (review each of the following papers)
Intravenous lidocaine for acute pain: an evidence-based clinical update
Overdiagnosis: when good intentions meet vested interests
The inverted U curve and emergency medicine: Overdiagnosis and the law of unintended consequences
Chess with God (Annals of Emergency Medicine, 2010)
For audit purposes - 10% paediatrics