ED Teaching 07 August 19
icebreaker - getting to know new members of the team
AFib + WPW —> rates approaching 300bpm with changing complexes; avoid AV nodal blockers
Brugada ECG pattern unmasked by flecanide; can also be revealed by fever
hyperkalaemia caused by trimethoprim —> bradycardia and loss of P waves; doesn’t always have classic appearance
case based discussions
Britt —> idiopathic scrotal oedema; check urine and do ultrasound, if all ok can be reassured and discharged home
Sinaed —> abdo pain in patient with history of gastric bypass ???volvulus
Elise —> approach to under differentiated acute-on-chronic frailty
treasure hunt
trainee interviews —-> goals for term
plaster workshop
fabulous turn out with 11 participants
Charnley, POSI and thumb spica slabs